Illustration and
Fine Art
Christa loves animals, sailboats, trail runs, mountain bikes, icecream, artwork, and her dog, Uisce (“Ish-ca”). She got her BFA in painting and drawing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She now lives in the beautiful Methow Valley in Washington and works as a horse trainer and artist. By imagining the people around her as animals: sweet, grumpy, gentle, sad, and joyful, her artwork reveals the love and humour in everyday moments, while celebrating her home and all its inhabitants (furry, scaley, four-legged, two-legged, no-legged, and all the rest!). She also enjoys observational painting as a means to investigate the intricacy and tranquility of nature.

Uisce helps me paint from our "mobile studio and home"...
To contact, please email me at
Follow me on Instagram @christaculbert2

Photos by Stuart Montgomery,